Paris, France.
The one and only. Always imitated but never equaled. More or less successful replicas are scattered in many cities around the world. But there is only one original Eiffel Tower, a few hundred years old, still as impressive and sumptuous. A true architectural and artistic jewel that adds splendor to the most beautiful city in the world - to be contemplated without moderation.
« The Eiffel Tower was once thought impossible to build. »
Hector Jesus Arencibia
The standing lady
The pictures above exhibits the different options you can choose for your masterpiece.
Picture #2 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : White aluminium ; Netting : 0 cm
Picture #3 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : Black aluminium ; Netting : 3 c
Picture #4 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #5 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : Frameless ; Netting : 0 cm