Cascais, Portugal.
Chic is everywhere! The sea has always been a means of escape and adventure for men, who have fashioned the most imposing and sophisticated ships to set out on their explorations. On the shores of Cascais, I had the chance to see this beautiful maritime jewel, both sober and elegant. The wind making it glide over the water with a grace that could be admired in the fashion shows of haute couture.
« o reach a port we must set sail –Sail, not tie at anchorSail, not drift. »
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The fancy sailboat
The pictures above exhibits the different options you can choose for your masterpiece.
Picture #2 - Size : 40x30 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #3 - Size : 40x30 ; Frame : Black Wood ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #4 - Size : 40x30 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #5 - Size : 40x30 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 0 cm