Biarritz, France.
Beware of the breaking point! The queen of the sea. So adored by some, those in search of watery sensations. Hated by others, those who aspire to absolute calm and inner peace. In all this controversy, the waves always draw the most beautiful marine paintings, for the greatest pleasure of our eyes.
« At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. »
Sandy Gingras
Dancing waves
The pictures above exhibits the different options you can choose for your masterpiece.
Picture #2 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #3 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #4 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : Black wood ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #5 - Size : 80x60 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 0 cm