Porto, Portugal.
Always look at the bottom! Strolling through the unknown streets, getting lost between the huge buildings and the small houses, stopping for a coffee in the corner bistro... This is by far the best way to discover a city and its history. And the city of Porto is no exception. Its rich culture, glorious past and indescribable energy flow from its walls as a matter of course.
« When you look at a city, it's like reading the hopes, aspirations and pride of everyone who built it. »
Hugh Newell Jacobsen
On the heights
The pictures above exhibits the different options you can choose for your masterpiece.
Picture #2 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #3 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #4 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 0 cm
Picture #5 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 0 cm