Kerkenah, Tunisia.
The perfect timing! I have many peninsular friends and I understand more and more their attachment beyond their fascination with their home islands. Spending time surrounded by vast expanses of water, cut off from the rest of the mainland, can develop an indescribable and unique inner peace. This feeling is accentuated by the beautiful scenery that the islands offer, especially when the sun sets or when it rises.
« It's the hour when night breaks away from the day, my dove. »
Jean Genet
Between the palms
The pictures above exhibits the different options you can choose for your masterpiece.
Picture #2 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : Natural Oak ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #3 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : Black wood ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #4 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : White Aluminium ; Netting : 3 cm
Picture #5 - Size : 60x40 ; Frame : Frameless ; Netting : 0 cm