You will be raised, you will be educated, you will be taught, you will be advised and maybe you will be guided... but no one will lead you to your path in life, except yourself.

French Alpes village "Les Alberts", Novembre 2020
From the moment you came to this world, you started learning. Learning to talk, learning to walk, learning to read, learning to ride a bike, without stabilizer wheels, learning to socialize, learning to love but also learning to hate... you will forge your personality and maybe your entire life around what you have learned.
Life is not always perfect. Like a road, it has many bends, ups and down, but that’s its beauty.
When your life is in adequacy with the knowledge you were armed with, you can reach your full potential and feel the confidence you need to accomplish yourself. But at some point in your life, you can feel like your weapons are not loaded enough to help you fight your battles. Guess what ! This is a good news. Because as of that moment you become aware that you have to learn more, maybe to unlearn things you composed with, you become aware that you can grow and design the path you wanted to follow in life, your own path.
Get inspired
Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life. The Capture project will share with you thoughts and ideas that, we hope, will inspire you and support you find your path in life.
Stay tuned.
Thanks for sharing this inspiring thoughts and wonderful photos ! Good continuation in your passion and better greetings !